Tuesday, December 16, 2008

One Thought

At the Lecture at Setagaya Theatre on Monday, we were talking about strategies for approaching funders to support workshops.

I then saw this logo on the Subway. It struck me that the success of the London bid has been attributed to it proposing that the Olympics in London would involve THE WHOLE COMMUNITY, particularly children, the disadvantaged and the disabled. That there would be a legacy for London through the Games...

There are now 10 months to go until the decision of the Olympics committee to award the 'prize' (October 2nd 2009). It seems this would be a fantastic time to approach the Tokyo Olympics committee to suggest how they might STRENGTHEN their bid by the offer of a series of city-wide workshops to involve children more.

Also, since the Tokyo bid is also for the Para-Olympics, to work more with disabled children to integrate them into society.... this would seem to be a really potential source of support for workshop activity..

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